If you would like to officially change your legal name to a new name you will have to do what is called a Deed Poll.
A Deed Poll is simply a legal document that proves a change of name and contains the following three declarations:
You can change any part, add or remove names and hyphens, or change spelling. Your new name must contain both a forename and a surname and be pronounceable. The Deed Poll is prepared by an Attorney at Law. You would need your birth certificate and a proof of address. Once prepared, you will review the document and once satisfied with it, you will sign it. Two witnesses, who aren’t related to you must also sign your deed poll and give their name, occupations and addresses. Then the Deed Poll will have to be registered at the Ministry of the Attorney General and Legal Affairs. The processing time is usually approximately 2-3 months. Your certificates will remain valid but everywhere you present them you will have to also present a certified copy of the Deed Poll. Please note that you do not need a Deed poll to take your spouse’s surname when you are married, you will simply present the marriage certificate when applying for new identification and documents. Important Notice: This post does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with an attorney on any legal problem or issue. This website is managed by AURORA Chambers; a law practice in Trinidad and Tobago. Click HERE to receive updates straight to your inbox by subscribing to our newsletter.
1/6/2023 07:16:00 pm
Good Day,
14/9/2023 04:57:57 pm
I'm curious about changing for personal reasons and I got here, my question is tho.. would I be required to provide my deed poll whenever I'm using my new name on certificates or documents that require proof of identity / citizenship
14/9/2023 07:31:17 pm
You will need to use the Deed Poll to change your name on your identification documents such as your Driver's Permit and National ID. Then you can use your updated National ID or Driver's Permit as your proof of identification with your new name.
25/4/2024 09:49:06 am
Sure we can assist you with that. As stated at the beginning of this article, you would require a document known as a deed poll, which is a document prepared by an attorney, you can make an appointment for a consultation to begin the process to have your name changed. We can be reached via email: [email protected], WhatsApp (374-2905), or call our office (236-6197).
2/10/2023 04:50:10 pm
I got divorced and went back to my maiden name do I need a deed poll if I want to go back to using my name when I was married?
17/7/2024 10:35:43 am
Hello, good day, thank you for your interaction. Yes you would need a deed poll. We recommend that you book an appointment for a consultation. To schedule an appointment, you can send us an email at [email protected], send us a WhatsApp message at 1 (868) 374-2905, or call our office at 1 (868) 236-6197.
wendell B. John
22/10/2023 11:36:32 am
hi my name was left out with an L on my birth certificate ... all other relevant documents such as Dp ID and certificates has both LL's how can i have both LL's on my birth paper and Passport....txs again
12/7/2024 04:39:47 pm
I have sole custody and control of my kids after a lengthy legal battle I also have a rotation order I'm now married was never married to kids dad but they want my marital name to which I have changed can I also change their names and if so what and how to go about it
17/7/2024 10:33:11 am
Hello, good day, thank you for your interaction, to accurately advise you, we recommend that you book an appointment for a consultation. Following the consultation, we would be able to provide to you, personal specialized advice and you'll be equipped to make your decision confidently, and we can proceed accordingly.
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November 2024